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Teacher development

“A career in teaching does not always adapt to the expertise and lives of teachers… we will build on the foundation of the Early Career Framework to support teachers – whatever their expertise or circumstances – to pursue the right career opportunities for them. In particular: 

  • We will develop specialist qualifications to support clearer non-leadership career pathways for teachers that want to stay and excel in the classroom; 
  • We will invest in these new and existing leadership qualifications, and will do
  • so disproportionately in challenging schools – encouraging good teachers to work, stay and develop where the need is greatest; and 
  • We will support headteachers to adapt to changing demands by helping to transform approaches to flexible working in schools.”


There are a wide range of continuous professional development (CPD) organisations that signpost, facilitate and deliver high-quality networks, programmes and events for teachers. It is important to explore how the providers align to the Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development and whether the programme targets your own or your school’s development needs.

Bradford Teaching School Hub

Bradford Teaching School Hub provides a wide range of teacher and leadership development networks, training events and programmes, plus events for support staff. As well as sign-posting DfE endorsed programmes, Bradford Teaching School Hub delivers high-quality programmes and training that reflect to the Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development to the education workforce.


Curriculum hubs

Bradford is well served by DfE supported curriculum hubs, including those for mathematics, English, science, languages and computing. The ‘Curriculum development’ section provides full details of each hub and the continuous professional development they offer.


Bradford Research School

Bradford Research School is supported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and forms part of the Research Schools Network. The Research School support teachers and leaders to access educational research and evidence-based practice, including continuous professional development (CPD). Research Schools work with the other schools in their areas to help them use evidence more effectively to inform their teaching through:
•    encouraging schools to make use of evidence-based programmes and practices through regular communication and events;
•    providing training and professional development for senior leaders and teachers on how to improve classroom practice based on the best available evidence; and
•    supporting schools to develop innovative ways of improving teaching and learning and provide them with the expertise to evaluate their impact.


Former Teaching Schools

The continuous professional development (CPD) offer of each former teaching school will vary based on their specialisms and partnerships. These are likely to cover training and programmes for teachers early in their career as well as experienced and confident teachers and leaders*

* The teaching school programme ended 31st August 2021