Free Ed Tech support for remote learning

From James Hoyle, Skipton Girls' High School and EdTech Demo Lead:
I know priorities may lie elsewhere today but I am writing to remind you that if you need additional capacity the EdTech Demo Programme is here to help whether you have used our services before or not.
Here are a range of ways in which we may be able to help:
- Training for colleagues on effective remote learning (or a recap of previous sessions)
- Guidance on whole school remote learning strategy
- Written materials to assist with remote learning expectations, parental training on learning platforms, remote learning policies etc.
- To assist colleagues we shall be holding a webinar on Wednesday 13th January from 4-5 pm focusing on effective remote learning and this session will be suitable for Primary and Secondary colleagues and will take thinking beyond the nuts and bolts of how an online learning platform works to look at ways of working that are both effective and engaging. It is open to all and you can sign up for the webinar by clicking on this link.
We have already published a large number of videos which may serve as a refresher for staff on the use of Microsoft Teams on our Youtube channel. You may have noticed that over the Christmas holidays Microsoft has introduced breakout rooms to Teams which makes collaboration between small groups of students much easier to manage and adds a new dynamic to live teaching. I've published a short video on this on our Youtube channel and from this, you can access all of our other videos. We have already held a webinar on effective teaching and learning during the first lockdown and if you'd like to see a recording of that please follow the link here.
Please do make contact if we can support you in any way and we will be happy to try and assist. I am passionate about trying to ensure we keep learning going as best we can during these trying times.
Kind Regards