Reformed NPQ frameworks
The DfE has published the reformed National Professional Qualification Frameworks including the publication of three new NPQ qualifications in Leading Behaviour and Culture, Leading Teacher Development and Leading Teaching that will be available via Bradford Teaching School Hub from the Autumn 2021.
The reformed National Professional Qualification (NPQs) frameworks were developed in consultation with an expert advisory group to draw on a range of experience from across the school system. The changes to NPQs build on the evidence base and expert advice already established in the new core content framework for Initial Teacher Training and the Early Career Framework (ECF). These frameworks set out what participants should know and be able to do after completing an NPQ. Providers of NPQs will be expected to use these frameworks to design their course curricula.
The following frameworks are now available:
National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture
National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development
National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership
The reformed suite of NPQs will have a different approach to assessment. More detail on the assessment of NPQs will be published in the invitation to tender. The Teachers’ Standards and Headteachers’ Standards have been woven into the NPQ content to ensure coherency with the frameworks already used by the teaching profession.
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