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Behaviour hubs

Following a successful initial cohort, the Behaviour Hubs programme is now looking to welcome a new intake of Lead schools and MATs to join them.

Funded by the DfE, Behaviour Hubs is a 3-year programme that pairs schools and trusts that have exemplary behaviour practices with partner schools or MATs who want and need to improve pupil behaviour.

The programme is looking for ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ schools that demonstrate excellent behaviour culture with an emphasis on schools that work in challenging contexts. Your support in recommending schools within your network is particularly appreciated.

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If you would like to recommend a school to become a Lead school in the Behaviour Hubs programme, please contact the team by emailing

Trust with exemplary behaviour practice across their schools are also invited to apply alongside a prospective Lead school within their trust.

You can find more information about the role and responsibilities of Lead schools and trusts in the Behaviour Hubs brochure. The application form in addition to the full application guidance can be accessed here. Applications close on the 31st October.