DfE funding to support current NQTs

In recognition of the challenging initial teacher training and induction newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have experienced, all state-funded schools that currently have an NQT (academic year 2020-21) who is due to complete induction in summer 2021 will have access to a one-off payment to further support. Schools in Bradford and the surrounding region will receive £1,200 per NQT. The DfE's full announcement is provided below.
NQTs involved in the early roll-out of the Early Career Framework will not receive additional funding as part of the NQT+1 offer as their school is already due to receive equivalent funding.
Schools may wish to consider the following programme as a means of utilising a portion of their funding to support their NQT as they become an NQT+1 from September 2021:
The full announcement by the Department for Education stated:
In June the Prime Minister announced next steps in the government’s plans to boost education recovery.
In recognition of the challenging initial teacher training and induction newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have experienced, all state-funded schools that currently have an NQT who is due to complete induction this summer will have access to a one-off payment to further support the development of this cohort.
Schools with NQTs due to complete induction this summer will have access to funding for the equivalent of an additional 5% off timetable for next academic year so these teachers have additional time to invest in their development. This time off timetable is not statutory but it has been designed to be used flexibly so that as many new teachers as possible can benefit from this additional support.
- Time off-timetable can be grouped together in different ways, for example, taken as whole days or half days.
- Schools will be able to access DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework for this cohort to use during this time off timetable.
- Schools will receive this funding in summer term of 2022. Funding will be based on School Workforce Census returns.
To find out more information on this additional funding, please visit our gov.uk page