Frequently asked questions
When do I register my ECT?
Once you have a confirmed ECT commencing or continuing their induction at your school, please register your ECT on the DfE portal as soon as possible. We also advise you to send over these ECTs details to
To register your ECT with our Appropriate Body service, please login to ECT Manager and follow the registration process.
Do we need to re-register our current ECTs via the DfE portal?
No actions are needed on the DfE portal for current ECTs (academic year 2021-22) already registered for an ECF-based training programme via your school, although they’ll need to have year two of induction confirmed with the Appropriate Body soon.
What should we do if we appoint an ECT that has started ECF-based training at another school?
Register them in the same way you would with an ECT commencing induction for the first time - register on the DfE portal and ECT Manager.
When you access the DfE portal, you will be presented with details of the training they have already accessed. You can select to maintain this programme or to change to a different option.
When registering on ECT Manager, it's important you have accurate details of the number of terms of induction completed in former schools.
Are participants able to self-register or is it just the induction coordinator who can do this?
It is always the Induction Coordinator.
Can schools still register ECTs whose inductions begin in the summer term?
When an Induction Tutor signs in to the DfE Manage training for early career teachers service, they can add ECTs to their 2021-22 cohort, 2022-2023 cohort or set up their 2023-2024 cohort and add ECTs (and their mentors) to that cohort.
What email address should be provided for an ECT?
We advise you to provide a school email address. Induction tutors can amend the email address for an ECT at any point on the DfE portal, and this updated address will automatically be provided to the training provider where appropriate. We do advise that you notify the ECT team with any email address changes at
Does a participant have to have their TRN in order to be registered?
No. It is strongly encouraged that if the Induction Tutor has this at the point of registration they enter it as this will speed up the registration and validation process. If no TRN is available at the time of registration, then it can be left blank and the participant will be emailed to remind them they need to add it once they have it.
Which email address will the DfE use to contact schools?
If a school has previously nominated someone as their induction tutor, the DfE will contact the school using that email address. If a school’s induction tutor has changed, a school can contact the helpdesk by emailing and providing the name and email of the new induction teacher.
If the school has not previously nominated an induction tutor, the DfE will use the email address associated with the school. This is often a head@, office@ or admin@ address and schools can check their details are up-to-date by using DfE Sign-in.
Where can ECTs get their certificate following the completion of their induction?
The ECT will need to access the TRA’s system to print a PDF version of their certificate. They will need to log in onto the Teacher Self-Service Portal ( This portal provides teachers with access to their own records held on the database of qualified teachers in England (DQT). For any questions or queries regarding this, ECTs will need to email the TRA’s Teacher Qualification Unit at
Are teachers with QTLS, rather than QTS, eligible for a DfE funded ECF based training programme?
No. Only teachers with QTS are eligible.
Does the DfE portal flag/indicate when a school is ineligible for DfE funded training if an Induction Tutor from an ineligible school tries to sign up?
Yes, if a school cannot host induction it cannot set up a programme of any type. If a school is independent and not eligible for funding, they cannot select to do 'DfE-funded provider' induction option and are pointed towards contacting providers directly if they wish to engage with this option.
If ECTs are completing one term of induction, do they still need to register for the ECF with the DfE?
The minimum period that can be counted towards completion of the induction period (for both full-time and part-time teachers) is continuous employment for one term (based on an institution that operates three terms in a school year). This applies to both permanent and long-term supply teaching posts. Separately, in exceptional cases, Appropriate Bodies have the discretion to reduce the length of the induction period to a minimum of one term to recognise extensive prior experience.
In both of these scenarios, teachers serving an induction length of one term should still receive an induction based on the Early Career Framework (ECF). Headteachers should work with Induction Tutors (and providers, where appropriate) to ensure the training is appropriate in each individual circumstance. Appropriate Bodies are expected to check that the Early Career Teacher (ECT) receives their full entitlement through quality assurance processes.
How does induction work for a part-time teacher?
ECTs serving induction on a part-time basis at any point will need to serve the full-time equivalent (FTE) of two full school years (based on a school year of three terms). Therefore, an ECT working part-time as a 0.5 FTE will need to serve induction for four school years.
For more information, please see page 22 of the Statutory Guidance.
When registering a part-time ECT on ECT Manager you should ensure that this is noted. If an ECT changes to part-time, please email the Appropriate Body for their contract to be changed on ECT Manager.
ECTs working as supply teachers need to commence induction?
For long-term supply colleagues of one term or more, there are instances where induction can take place. We recommend you contact your Appropriate Body Service to enquire about this.
Are Early Years ECTs eligible?
The Early Career Framework (ECF) is only funded for those serving statutory induction. An Early Career Teacher cannot undertake statutory induction (or a period of employment counting towards induction) unless they have been awarded Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Headteachers and Appropriate Bodies must check with the Teaching Regulation Agency that the individual holds QTS. Teachers with Early Years Teacher Status who do not also hold QTS are not eligible to serve statutory induction and therefore not eligible for the funded ECF training.
Can ECTs in Further Education access the funded 'Use a DfE-funded provider' option (previously referred to as the Full Induction Programme)?
Yes, FE institutions do have access to funded 'Use a DfE-funded provider' option for ECF-based training.
An FE institution, sixth-form college or 16–19 academy wishing to offer an ECT a post in which to serve a statutory induction period is expected to:
- ensure that normally no more than 10% of the ECT’s teaching in the FE institution is devoted to teaching classes predominantly consisting of pupils aged 19 and over;
- enable the ECT to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of day-to-day practices and the role of a teacher in a school; ECTs should spend the equivalent of at least ten days teaching children of compulsory school age in a school during their induction; and
- make every effort to provide the ECT with up to a further 15 days’ experience in a school setting
Are teachers with QTLS eligible to serve statutory induction?
Annex A of the Statutory Induction Guidance provides information on those categories of qualified teachers who are exempt from the requirement to satisfactorily complete a statutory induction period in order to be employed as a teacher in a relevant school. This includes teachers who have been awarded Qualified Teacher in Learning and Skills (QTLS) Status by the Society for Education (SET) (formerly the Institute for Learning – IfL) and who hold active membership with the SET.
What do independent schools need to do?
Statutory induction can be served in an independent school. These schools still need to appoint an appropriate body for all inductions, but they will only need to use the manage training for early career teachers service in the following two situations:
● If they are an independent special school registered as in receipt of “Section 41 funding” (i.e. state-funded) and they wish to use a DfE-funded training provider
● If they wish to deliver the DfE-accredited materials in school themselves
Independent schools that do not receive “Section 41” funding can choose to engage with a training provider directly, but they do not need to use the manage training for early career teachers service in order to do so.
Change of School
When an ECT moves schools, what needs to happen?
Induction Leads needs to inform and your Appropriate Body service about this so the team can action a withdrawal and set up an Interim Assessment for completion.
When an ECT is registered on the DfE service at their new school by that school’s Induction Tutor, the DfE is able to match the validated record to the old school and reflect the transfer for that Induction Tutor. Training providers are notified automatically about the transfer. When the ECT is registered at a new school to an Appropriate Body Service, prior induction will be carried forward along with prior reports.
What steps should a school take if an ECT leaves the school part way through induction?
If an ECT is going to be leaving a school part way through induction, the Induction Tutor needs to let us know at The Induction Tutor will also need to inform the Appropriate Body so the necessary arrangements can be made with regards to the statutory induction.
An ECT should continue their training programme until they leave the school. When adding the details of the induction tutor on the DfE service, the new induction tutor should take care to add the ECT to the correct academic year group.
What happens when an ECT is struggling?
Where an Early Career Teacher is not making satisfactory progress, schools and Appropriate Bodies should refer to section 4 of the Statutory Induction Guidance for guidance on how to proceed. The Appropriate Body should be informed promptly in order to offer advice and guidance.
In particularly serious cases, it may be necessary to instigate capability procedures before the end of the induction period. Refer to section 4 (paragraphs 4.7- 4.8) of the Statutory Induction Guidance for further information on the action in the event of serious capability problems. Importantly, the Early Career entitlement should always continue alongside any capability proceedings.
Exactly how much funding will schools receive?
Year 1 funding has been rolled into the National Funding Formula and will amount to 10% time off timetable.
For year 2, the funding amount will be calculated by taking the average salary of mentors and ECTS, split by region:
How much funding for Y1 induction is currently included in the National Funding Formula?
Schools receive their core funding through the dedicated schools grant (DSG), which is calculated using the National Funding Formula (NFF). The NFF
allocates funding primarily based on the characteristics of the schools and
their pupils.
Schools initially received funding for the time off timetable through the “standards fund”. Now, the funding is incorporated into the core schools
funding that schools receive through the DSG. As such, schools are expected to meet the cost of the 10% release time for newly qualified teachers as part of their core funding.
The NFF does not ‘earmark’ a certain amount of funding which schools receive for, or should spend on, their NQTs. It is up to head teachers to manage the funding they receive.
What is the value of the 36 hours of additional funding for mentor backfill over two years for those schools taking part in the 'Use a DfE-funded provider' training option (previously known as the Full Induction Programme)?
For those on the DfE-funded provider option, there will be an additional payment to schools for the time that mentors of ECTs spend on Department-funded mentor training, which will consist of 36 hours of backfill time over two years per mentor.
When will schools receive their funding for early career teachers’ time away from the classroom in the second year?
Schools will receive the funding in arrears at the end of the ECT’s second year to pay for 5% of time off timetable. So, if a school has an ECT starting the ECF in 2021, the payment for 5% time off timetable will be made in 2023.
This funding is paid via a grant and will be calculated using the Schools Workforce Census.
How was the figure of £1,200 per ECT for 5% timetable release calculated?
The 5% time-off timetable is not a calculation of the 5% of an M2 salary, but instead the cost of taking an ECT out of the classroom for 5% of their teaching hours. This is calculated by taking 1265h of ‘directed working hours’ and multiplying by 69%, the proportion of teaching hours including PPA. This figure is then multiplied by 5, providing the 5% time-off timetable, which accounts for 44hr, multiplied by the regional hourly pay rate.
How does the mentor funding work if a mentor is supporting more than one ECT?
It is at each school’s discretion as to who should mentor each ECT. There is no requirement that there be one mentor for all ECTs within a school – see the statutory induction guidance for further information. The DfE has committed to funding up to a 1:1 ratio. This means there is one funded mentor place for each ECT registered.
Funding for training and mentor backfill is allocated per mentor. If one mentor is working with two ECTs, one lot of funding will be provided for that mentor to attend the training and backfill payments will be made to allow the mentor time off timetable to attend training.
The funding to allow for 5% off timetable for mentoring sessions is allocated per ECT, so when a mentor is working with two ECTs, the school will receive funding to allow for two lots of time off timetable for that mentor.
What happens to funding if an ECT leaves part way through their induction?
If an ECT leaves part way through their second year of induction, then part funding will be calculated based on the School Workforce Census returns.
Year one funding is already included in the National Funding Formula so schools will continue to receive this as normal.
What happens to the mentor backfill funding if they do not complete the full two years?
If a mentor leaves the ECF programme having completed one term or more, funding will be made on a pro-rata basis.