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Developing an Inclusive, Accessible and Ambitious Curriculum

This event will take place between 4:00pm and 5:00pm on 24/11/2021

This three-part series aimed at secondary practitioners will explore how to make the curriculum inclusive, accessible and ambitious for all pupils. The series will explore the curriculum from the perspective of curriculum and subject leads, Ofsted and most importantly learners. 

Each session will share ideas, approaches and case studies of best practice in how schools have created and developed ambitious curriculum pathways for students with SEND.


Part 1 - Wednesday 13th October 2021, 16:00-17:00: The Secondary Curriculum from an Ofsted Perspective

This session explores how the curriculum can be inclusive, accessible and ambitious for all students. Chris Pollitt HMI will look at curriculum through the lens of the EIF sharing expectations and implications for colleagues responsible for curriculum and subject areas.

Part 2 - Wednesday 10th November 2021, 16:00-17:00: Curriculum Design: Putting Inclusion and SEND at the Heart of our Curriculum

This session looks at ways in which curriculum and subject leads can place SEND and Inclusion at the heart of all they do. Speakers will share examples of best practice and explore whole-school approaches to creating an accessible, inclusive and aspirational curriculum. This session will feature guest speaker Dr Nic Crossley.

Part 3 - Wednesday 24th November 2021, 16:00-17:00: How Can Subject Leads Ensure High-Quality Teaching in their Subjects

This session will focus on a range of subjects with experienced subject leads discussing how they have led the development of their curriculum design. Speakers will identify practical ways they have supported teachers to be confident in adapting their teaching to meet the needs of students with SEND.